There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the people responsible for the American Thanksgiving tradition. Contrary to popular opinion, the Pilgrims didn't wear buckles on their shoes or hats. They weren't teetotalers, either. They smoked tobacco and drank beer. And, most importantly, their first harvest festival and subsequent "thanksgivings" weren't held to thank the local natives for saving their lives.
Do you know there are public schools in America today actually teaching that? Some textbooks, in their discomfort with open discussions of Christianity, say as much. I dare suggest most parents today know little more about this history than their children.
Yet, there is no way to divorce the spiritual from the celebration of Thanksgiving – at least not the way the Pilgrims envisioned it, a tradition dating back to the ancient Hebrews and their feasts of Succoth and Passover.
The Pilgrims came to America for one reason – to form a separate community in which they could worship God as they saw fit. They had fled England because King James I was persecuting those who did not recognize the Church of England's absolute civil and spiritual authority.
But it wasn't just an economic system that allowed the Pilgrims to prosper. It was their devotion to God and His laws. And that's what Thanksgiving is really all about. The Pilgrims recognized that everything we have is a gift from God – even our sorrows. Their Thanksgiving tradition was established to honor God and thank Him for His blessings and His grace.
Today we continue that tradition in my home – and I hope in yours. God bless you, God bless America, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a holiday to give thanks for what the Pilgrims realized which is that everything we have a is a gift from God, even our sorrows. This holiday is to celebrate our realization of the many people who are around us and love us.
What I'm doing for my Thanksgiving as of now is sitting in the basement watching my kuyas and Dale play 13 on a Poker Table while I'm on my laptop blogging. Haha. They think I've been a quiet nerd this whole entire time hahahahaha. I thought this trip might be a tiny bit of a drag because they've been making fun of me lately, but they're lucky I don't take jokes so seriously. I told kuya Von to hush up and he got the rest of the guys to stop. I allowed them the opportunity though to watch the ChocolateRain video only ONCE! Hahahaha.
Patrick taught me to break dance alittle bit haha. He tried to show me the 6-step. I did some math homework earlier until Geoffrey and Von started throwing pillows at me to close my mathbook and notes to watch some Cantonese film with them on the other laptop. Kuya Jordan and I played BattleShip where Mikey helped kuya! CHEATER! Grawrgh. So far on the first day of this three day trip, I've had fun. I love these loserzzzzzzzz. Aha.
But I am really missing my peeps back home. Bwaha, corny. Wowzas. I'm glad though that I'm with my family in a house with other families whose company I enjoy. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thoughts of the Past Couple of Days.
Friday Morning- Woke up feeling unaccomplished, excited, drained, and anxious.
Saturday Morning- Woke up after a sleep of EIGHT hours! WHOO!
Sunday Morning- Woke up with a headache, but push for the thrill of the day.
This Morning- Woke up with a changed heart, and ready to be reconnect with my old habits.
Everyone has their own life. We are all caught in motion. Nothing's ever really still or frozen unless it's created that way. We all only have one life, so my advice; use it, live, enjoy it. Living by a plan or doing the same monotonous thing isn't so fun, dba? Take advantage of the chances or opportunities given to you. No one is perfect anyways. It's our imperfections that make us great.
It's different though if you were raised to live by a set of rules. If you had to live bya set of rule, try to still live your life. Go around those boundaries in a way where you're not breaking anything. Find exceptions and loopholes. You don't have to risk breaking rules to have fun. Just plain be happy and stay alive!! Feel the adrenaline and motion and movement. Do something unexpecting and crazy.
You only get this day once. And tomorrow. And oh, I think you spent yesterday. Bwahahahaha.
Carpe diem, my friend.
Saturday Morning- Woke up after a sleep of EIGHT hours! WHOO!
Sunday Morning- Woke up with a headache, but push for the thrill of the day.
This Morning- Woke up with a changed heart, and ready to be reconnect with my old habits.
Everyone has their own life. We are all caught in motion. Nothing's ever really still or frozen unless it's created that way. We all only have one life, so my advice; use it, live, enjoy it. Living by a plan or doing the same monotonous thing isn't so fun, dba? Take advantage of the chances or opportunities given to you. No one is perfect anyways. It's our imperfections that make us great.
It's different though if you were raised to live by a set of rules. If you had to live bya set of rule, try to still live your life. Go around those boundaries in a way where you're not breaking anything. Find exceptions and loopholes. You don't have to risk breaking rules to have fun. Just plain be happy and stay alive!! Feel the adrenaline and motion and movement. Do something unexpecting and crazy.
You only get this day once. And tomorrow. And oh, I think you spent yesterday. Bwahahahaha.
Carpe diem, my friend.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Filipino American Club.
I could that as of today I really saw my club's strengths. I'm so proud of them that I just want to buy all of them candy and desserts haha. Today we had a productive practice led by my stressful love, dear Alison, and then tickets led by me, and just us all working together in ways we mysteriously don't really know. I'm way up for the upcoming Carousel event. We've been planning this thing for about 2 1/2 months now. Tickets be on sell starting on Monday. WOWZAS! This is realy going to happen. I can't believe it. I never thought that the club would reach this high enough potential.
Although I'm very proud and probably could brag for the first time in my life that the club is better than YOURS, haha, we could still do better. Ally, Sandra, Jayson, and I could tell who are the active members. We're building it up and I just can't wait for the rest of the year.
For the carousel, we're reading to kids, dancing the Tinikling, operating the carousel, having a great time, helping out Santa, helping out Rainbow Girls and KW National Honors Society, and just making memories. I'm so proud of the club.
Always reach for your dreams. Never let yourself look down. :D
GO TO MORFORD FAMILY CAROUSEL, DOWNTOWN KENT! Opening Day; November 27th, Friday. Woot woot!
Although I'm very proud and probably could brag for the first time in my life that the club is better than YOURS, haha, we could still do better. Ally, Sandra, Jayson, and I could tell who are the active members. We're building it up and I just can't wait for the rest of the year.
For the carousel, we're reading to kids, dancing the Tinikling, operating the carousel, having a great time, helping out Santa, helping out Rainbow Girls and KW National Honors Society, and just making memories. I'm so proud of the club.
Always reach for your dreams. Never let yourself look down. :D
GO TO MORFORD FAMILY CAROUSEL, DOWNTOWN KENT! Opening Day; November 27th, Friday. Woot woot!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dude, I feel so great that I was able to deposit money in the bank today. After school, when I finished my project for Transier's, Dad let me go to the bank. Sandra went with my inside and I felt so proud to deposit 80 dollars. Haha. I know that's not that much or it might sound a lot but at least it was something. I need to start saving money up. Mum says I got to buy my own car and that's where all this money is heading. Haha. AUGHS!
Right now as I'm waiting for one of my piano students to show up, I'm thinking why did I take this job of teaching piano? I mean it has it's ups and many downs.
Downs: Less time, packed schedule, finding all kinds of curriculum to teach, stress of planning recitals, and no passion for the money.
Ups: Passion of teaching, brightening the child's mind, growing their creativity levels, the sound of music, hopefully they follow their dream in music which I messed up my dream.
Haha well there's that. I'm not sure if piano teacher's going to be my only job for high school because that's what I'm thinking. I've only had one recital but the recital paid off so much work of teaching the kids.
Next Recital; December 12th, 2009th; Fine.

I wish it was this formal. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Right now as I'm waiting for one of my piano students to show up, I'm thinking why did I take this job of teaching piano? I mean it has it's ups and many downs.
Downs: Less time, packed schedule, finding all kinds of curriculum to teach, stress of planning recitals, and no passion for the money.
Ups: Passion of teaching, brightening the child's mind, growing their creativity levels, the sound of music, hopefully they follow their dream in music which I messed up my dream.
Haha well there's that. I'm not sure if piano teacher's going to be my only job for high school because that's what I'm thinking. I've only had one recital but the recital paid off so much work of teaching the kids.
Next Recital; December 12th, 2009th; Fine.

I wish it was this formal. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Nice Start, Horrible End.
Great Start:
Today was the ALPSA sponsered 2009 Student Summit on Cultivating Success; Being a leader in a changing world. I woke up at 6:50 to Ally's text msg and got ready and left with Sandisan to the school. Our bus left at 7:30 and we were on our way to UW. It was a really great program. We had breakfast, a kick off sesion, then 3 workshops, lunch, and finally a career fair. I learned a lot of beneficial things, but also some useless material. The whole summit was really fun and interesting. It was a creative learning experience. TU3 had our reuniting day and it was a-we-so-me. Haha. I missed Him all day, but it's okie. Ahhhahahahahaha. But anyways, TU3 took pics with each other and others. Fisher and Andrew are pretty tight haha. Took a nap on the bus ride home around 3:10ish. David took the three of us home. Watched friends and ate Mum's Shepherd's Pie. Went to gym w/Sandisan, then went to Choir Practice. Met Mama B's new guy! He looks cute and sweet, finally a keeper haha. Went home to fold 2 1/2 baskets of clothes that I washed and talked to Giemgiem while I was folding. Awh, I've missed her so much!
I called ChocolateRain after clothes and we talked for like 20 minutes until I practiced my Organ for half an hour like Mum asked me too.
Horrible End:
I call ChocolateRain back, dad comes in 3 minutes later and goes "Where's the phone?" I go "Right here". He takes it. "Dad, it's 10 o clock. And I'm getting off around 11 anyways like Mum asked" "Just give it, all you do is talk on the phone all day and night" I gave it to him. I started bubbling inside. They said that I could keep my phone as long as I have good grades. They always randomly take it. Then I have the stupid freaking 10 o clock block anyways where I can't call or text anyone. What more do they want? I barely use the freaking regular labtop to do what other kids do like stupid Myspace and average Facebook. They don't see me playing gay video games or screwing around doing nothing useless. They always tell me I waste my time on stupid things and dedicating my time to stupid people. It's like they compliment me but in a terrible way.
"Nikki, you're such a nice person but you're not smart for letting others take advantage fo you"
"Nikki, why are you doing a favor for someone who hasn't even talked to you in several days? You're such a giving selfless brat."
"Nikki, you'd rather help everyone else then give a fudge about yourself."
You know what? I'm tired of people like them telline me who I am. Because obviously, I know what my faults and merits are. For goodness sakes, I didn't become some independent weird unique freak for nothing. I sick of not only my parents, but other people whether they're my close friends or not even a friend, judging me and telling me things that I already know but saying it in their voice. I'm sick of always saying yes and doing waht I'm told. I thoguht being dedicated, considerate, and giving were good traits? Apparently they're not if this is the way I feel.
My stupid boyfriend is always being so sweet and kind and as trying his hardest to help me when others would never. Goodness, I told him to stop. Why? Because, I don't ask for help or favors. I asked why does he have to be like this? He said "Because it's the way you're suppose to be treated. Stop being so stubborn, geez." I'm fine doing things on my own, well, it depends on what I guess. I'm the one everyone apparently depends on. Because I keep my promises and do waht I'm told and help as much as I can. If someone calls crying or needs help with a problem, I'm there. But if I'm the one crying or having the problem, never could I say a word.
This is all due to my abnormal stubborn weird self. Sighs. If only, if only. I love how people know me, that this is just they way I am whether or not I like, and still piss me off.
Note to You:
I live under your roof. I tell you everything. I work so you don't have to pay. I get good grades so you only have one child to worry about. I never lie to you so you can trust me. I do my best in everything so you'll never see my worst.
I love you so you'll love me.
Gnite, Mum&&Dad. I'll pray tonight to lessen my anger and find ways to make it up to you.
Today was the ALPSA sponsered 2009 Student Summit on Cultivating Success; Being a leader in a changing world. I woke up at 6:50 to Ally's text msg and got ready and left with Sandisan to the school. Our bus left at 7:30 and we were on our way to UW. It was a really great program. We had breakfast, a kick off sesion, then 3 workshops, lunch, and finally a career fair. I learned a lot of beneficial things, but also some useless material. The whole summit was really fun and interesting. It was a creative learning experience. TU3 had our reuniting day and it was a-we-so-me. Haha. I missed Him all day, but it's okie. Ahhhahahahahaha. But anyways, TU3 took pics with each other and others. Fisher and Andrew are pretty tight haha. Took a nap on the bus ride home around 3:10ish. David took the three of us home. Watched friends and ate Mum's Shepherd's Pie. Went to gym w/Sandisan, then went to Choir Practice. Met Mama B's new guy! He looks cute and sweet, finally a keeper haha. Went home to fold 2 1/2 baskets of clothes that I washed and talked to Giemgiem while I was folding. Awh, I've missed her so much!
I called ChocolateRain after clothes and we talked for like 20 minutes until I practiced my Organ for half an hour like Mum asked me too.
Horrible End:
I call ChocolateRain back, dad comes in 3 minutes later and goes "Where's the phone?" I go "Right here". He takes it. "Dad, it's 10 o clock. And I'm getting off around 11 anyways like Mum asked" "Just give it, all you do is talk on the phone all day and night" I gave it to him. I started bubbling inside. They said that I could keep my phone as long as I have good grades. They always randomly take it. Then I have the stupid freaking 10 o clock block anyways where I can't call or text anyone. What more do they want? I barely use the freaking regular labtop to do what other kids do like stupid Myspace and average Facebook. They don't see me playing gay video games or screwing around doing nothing useless. They always tell me I waste my time on stupid things and dedicating my time to stupid people. It's like they compliment me but in a terrible way.
"Nikki, you're such a nice person but you're not smart for letting others take advantage fo you"
"Nikki, why are you doing a favor for someone who hasn't even talked to you in several days? You're such a giving selfless brat."
"Nikki, you'd rather help everyone else then give a fudge about yourself."
You know what? I'm tired of people like them telline me who I am. Because obviously, I know what my faults and merits are. For goodness sakes, I didn't become some independent weird unique freak for nothing. I sick of not only my parents, but other people whether they're my close friends or not even a friend, judging me and telling me things that I already know but saying it in their voice. I'm sick of always saying yes and doing waht I'm told. I thoguht being dedicated, considerate, and giving were good traits? Apparently they're not if this is the way I feel.
My stupid boyfriend is always being so sweet and kind and as trying his hardest to help me when others would never. Goodness, I told him to stop. Why? Because, I don't ask for help or favors. I asked why does he have to be like this? He said "Because it's the way you're suppose to be treated. Stop being so stubborn, geez." I'm fine doing things on my own, well, it depends on what I guess. I'm the one everyone apparently depends on. Because I keep my promises and do waht I'm told and help as much as I can. If someone calls crying or needs help with a problem, I'm there. But if I'm the one crying or having the problem, never could I say a word.
This is all due to my abnormal stubborn weird self. Sighs. If only, if only. I love how people know me, that this is just they way I am whether or not I like, and still piss me off.
Note to You:
I live under your roof. I tell you everything. I work so you don't have to pay. I get good grades so you only have one child to worry about. I never lie to you so you can trust me. I do my best in everything so you'll never see my worst.
I love you so you'll love me.
Gnite, Mum&&Dad. I'll pray tonight to lessen my anger and find ways to make it up to you.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
One Week!
Today is Thurday; one more week until Sophomore Quarter 1 ends. Holy snapz! I'm already getting nervous and fidgety. I got all A's, but one stupid C in stupid math. Dude, I've been getting my stuff done and studying like crazy. My schedule is booked but I still make is possible to put in some relaxation time and nap time. Yayyyyy. Today was an alright day with school, math test, new history project, and chemistry presentation. Dangitz, got a Coble's test tomorrow. I love TypeWriter and BombShell. Dang, these two. Haha. Never will forget them in my life.
Church was pretty fun, too. During worship service the lesson was talking about beliefs on God and Jesus. I love it when Ka Pastor talks; his mouth goes sideways and his eyebrows barely raise. After worship service we had practice and I was way too nervous. My leg was shaking on the bass pedal and my hands were already sweating. That caused me to messs up, but I shouldn't blame that because that just shows that I could've practiced more and done better. I need more confidence and patience with myself.
School's crazy. Church is breath taking. Home is like a prison cell, but I have good company. My parents are finally realizing what's going on with my brother. I hope they can help him... He won't let me help him. He's just as stubborn as I am. Sighs. Time to do math hw. I heard everyone's starting to blog again. {:O Haha.
Thank you for trying, my friend.
Church was pretty fun, too. During worship service the lesson was talking about beliefs on God and Jesus. I love it when Ka Pastor talks; his mouth goes sideways and his eyebrows barely raise. After worship service we had practice and I was way too nervous. My leg was shaking on the bass pedal and my hands were already sweating. That caused me to messs up, but I shouldn't blame that because that just shows that I could've practiced more and done better. I need more confidence and patience with myself.
School's crazy. Church is breath taking. Home is like a prison cell, but I have good company. My parents are finally realizing what's going on with my brother. I hope they can help him... He won't let me help him. He's just as stubborn as I am. Sighs. Time to do math hw. I heard everyone's starting to blog again. {:O Haha.
Thank you for trying, my friend.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Things To Remember.
1. Everyone goes at their own pace.
2. Love can come at any age.
3. Parents know what's best.
4. Purpose of School: To gain an education and prepare for the future.
5. To function correctly is to breathe.
6. Family time should be spent appreciatively and with precious care.
7. Priorities should be even in your heart, but listed in your head.
8. Stand up for what you believe in.
9. Always do what you think is right.
10. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
11. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
12. Learn to take care of yourself before taking care of others.
13. Always brush your teeth before bed, and leaving the house.
14. Always be yourself.
15. Love yourself.
16. GOD is watching, please never hide from him.
17. Shed a tear, save a prayer.
18. Shine your teeth, when the whole world seems dark.
19. Spread love where there is hate.
20. Follow your dreams.
2. Love can come at any age.
3. Parents know what's best.
4. Purpose of School: To gain an education and prepare for the future.
5. To function correctly is to breathe.
6. Family time should be spent appreciatively and with precious care.
7. Priorities should be even in your heart, but listed in your head.
8. Stand up for what you believe in.
9. Always do what you think is right.
10. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
11. If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
12. Learn to take care of yourself before taking care of others.
13. Always brush your teeth before bed, and leaving the house.
14. Always be yourself.
15. Love yourself.
16. GOD is watching, please never hide from him.
17. Shed a tear, save a prayer.
18. Shine your teeth, when the whole world seems dark.
19. Spread love where there is hate.
20. Follow your dreams.
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