By Recathi Maturi Published: Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 12:10am
As a student I've frequently found myself asking, "Which do I care more about, the grade or learning?"
As much as I would love to answer, "The learning, of course," I think that I truthfully care more about my grade more than actually learning the material.
For tests I tend to memorize dates and flowcharts without understanding why we use that formula or what the significance of the date is. Is that a good thing? Is it better for me to get an A and not remember the material in a year or is it better for me to learn the material eventually but get a C and end up remembering it my whole life?
In today's society I personally find that there is more emphasis placed on the grade than the learning. To be successful one has to go to college, and to go to college one has to have good grades. People don't care about whether you understand the material or not, they just care about how you did on the test.
Some people learn material slower or faster than others, but by the end of the unit everyone is expected to take the test. It doesn't strike me as fair that one's knowledge is supposed to reflect their performance on the test. Not everyone is a good test taker. Some people know everything about the subject, but when they take the test they just don't do as well as they could.
So, I ask you, what do you care more about? What you got on the test or what you learned?