Monday, May 17, 2010


So I've just noticed that after I read any of my blog entries it doens't sound like me. How can I make the things I type out sound like what's going on in my head? I haven't been very thoughtful in Blogger. Dude, I need to start actually writing what's in my mind hahahaha.

So currently I'm working on Fisher's project. I actually like it because I'm finally researching thigns that are given to me in straightforward directions and feel like I'm learning. Plus my topic is perfect for what I want to look at; the Health Care Crisis!! Hahahaha.

My weekend was pretty okay.
Friday; Yugioh Tournie, Basketball Practice.
Saturday; Home, TalkW/Mum, Pedicure, Church.
Sunday; Church, Church, Bball Practice, FeelingSickatHome, VAJA.

I noticed this morning that I can't hold grudges... I'll get mad and frustrated for like 14 minutes straight and vent in my head or to someone, then completely get over it. Unless someone brings that painful event again and wants to talk about it, then that frustration builds again ahha. I'm like counting down to when school ends. I need to pick up my grades, dude! No joke. Haha. Gotta bring up Fisher's and Coble's then I got all A's and A-'s. Goodness gracious.

On a Personal Note:

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